A difficult September

This September has been memorable for all the wrong reasons. On September 10th we had our worst wind storm in nearly 40 years resulting in us losing power for four days (also our longest period for 40 years). And such a mess to clean up on the farm with hundreds of trees uprooted or snapped. We did have to ration out some of the meal to keep everyone going over that period and I thank you for your patience.
Also during the first half of September grain prices continued to rise and while they now seem to have plateaued they are still above what I had budgeted on. We currently have to pay $50 more per tonne than what we were this time last year. We also had to go and buy soybean meal on the open market some of which was over $200 more per tonne than our earlier contracts. As a result our prices are lifting again this month by $14 per tonne. Personally I am disappointed that its another price rise as I take pride in producing a top shelf product for a mid shelf price.

Learn more here Newsletter September 2013


Ken Buckingham

Ken Buckingham
